Неаполь в 1793-1815

Боевое расписание 33-й неаполитанской дивизии и боевой мундир армии Мюрата


                       Командир дивизии - дивизионный генерал д'Эстре
                      Начальник штаба - маршал де камп Флорестано Пепе

                     Офицеры Солдаты Всего Лошади
1-я БРИГАДА (бригадный генерал Джузеппе Россароль)
5-й линейный полк, (2 батальона) 69 1983 2052 16
6-й линейный полк, (2 батальона) 67 1894 1961 13
Моряки гвардии, (2 роты) 8 95 203 7
2-я БРИГАДА (бригадный генерал Анжело д'Амброзио)
7-й линейный полк, (2 батальона) 64 1817 1881 15
Велиты Гвардии, (2 батальона) 49 1479 1528 33
Почетная Гвардия, (3 эскадрона) 31 403 434 516
Конные Велиты, (2 эскадрона) 23 345 368 391
Конная артиллерия Гвардии, (1 рота) 6 82 88 106
ВСЕГО 317 8198 8515 1097

Журнал "Сержант" №1, стр. 17-20

Order of  battle of the Neapolitan division   of the Grande Armée
XI Corps Marschal Augereau – chief of staff : Général de Brigade Menard
33th Division - General  Destrees - chief of staff General Pepe
  • 1st Brigade - General  Rossarol
5th line regiment (2 battalions : 49 officers and 1859 men)
6th line regiment (2 battalions : 47 officers and 1791 men)
Guard Marines  (2 companies : 8 officers and 203 men)
  • 2nd Brigade - General D'Ambrosio
7th line regiment (2 battalions : 44 officers and 1700 men)
Foot Velites of the Guard (2 battalions : 49 officers and 1479 men)
  • Cavalry Brigade - General Franceschi
Horse  Velites of the Guard (2 squadrons : 22 officers and 320 men)
Guards of Honour (3 squadrons : 31 officers and 395 men)
  • Horse artillery Battery (6 officers and 75 men, 4 x 6lb guns and 2 howitzers)


   Структура полков и подразделений дивизии была аналогична французской. Ниже будет рассмотрена организация полка линейной пехоты.

Полковой штаб:

Малый полковой штаб:

Полк трехбатальонного состава. Каждый батальон включал пять рот фузилер (5-я - запасная), одну роту гренадер и одну роту вольтижер.

Состав роты:

Полковое депо. Состояло из запасных рот всех батальонов полка. В 1812 г. третьи батальоны полков были также оставлены в полковых депо

Соотношение званий 




Штаб армии

Помимо короля, в его штаб входили генералы, штаб-офицеры, ординарцы и адьютанты. Генералы и офицеры штаба носили французскую форму с неаполитанской бело-малиновой кокардой. По всей видимости, из всего окружения короля лишь адьютанты и ординарцы носили собственно неаполитанскую форму.

Офицеры старались одеваться под стать своему королю. Предпочтение отдавалось сочетанию белого с малиновым - национальному неаполитанскому и любимым цветам короля.

Обязательной деталью формы ординарцев был белый доломан с голубой отделкой и золотыми шнурами и галуном. Вместо шапок и киверов они носили черные шляпы с золотыми петлицами и кистями в углах. Вероятно, ментиков ординарцы не имели. Лошадь покрывалась леопардовой шкурой с золотой отделкой и голубой бахромой по внешнему краю.

Адьютанты в качестве форменного головного убора носили гусарские шапки с цветными шлыками и султанами, гораздо реже - кивера. Их сапоги могли быть различных цветов - малиновыми, оранжевыми, желтыми.

Наградная система

Довольно часто встречаются изображения офицеров со знаками ордена Обеих Сицилий, учрежденного Жозефом Бонапартом в 1808 г. как аналог французскому ордену Почетного Легиона. Существовали шейный знак, звезда и медаль. Медалью награждались не только офицеры, но и рядовые. В походе, чтобы не потерять медаль, ее заменяли голубой прямоугольной ленточкой, подтверждающей наличие награды. Интересно, что сам Иоахим Мюрат отдавал предпочтение знакам этого ордена и всегда носил их поверх ленты или звезды Почетного Легиона.

Линейные полки

Фузилеры. Кивер французский, образца 1806 или 1812 года, латунная бляха в виде самнитского щита, с вырезанным или накладным штампованным номером полка в центре. Возможно также использование старых блях в виде ромба с вензелем N под короной. Неаполитанская бело-малиновая кокарда крепится с помощью латунной петлицы и пуговицы. Плоский помпон цвета приборного сукна с белым центром и желтым номером батальона посередине. Латунная чешуя и розетки.

Мундир белый, образца 1811 г. с отделкой приборного сукна и белой выпушкой по всей отделке. Белые фигурные погоны с выпушкой цвета приборного сукна и такой же выпушкой по краю ложных карманов фалд. Панталоны белые, гетры черные с латунными пуговицами.

Амуниция состояла из черной патронной сумы, прикрепленной к белой перевязи, к которой крепились и штыковые ножны. Ранец светло-коричневый из телячьей шкуры мехом наружу.

Шинель одно- или двубортная. Ее цвет отличался разнообразием - встречались серые, коричневые и даже голубые шинели. С обеих сторон воротника нашивался зубчатый клапан приборного сукна.

Вольтижеры. Желтый воротник, зеленые эполеты с желтым полукругом, желтый сферический помпон. Французский тесак с зеленым темляком располагался в черных кожаных ножнах. На патронной суме имелось латунное изображение горна и пылающей гренады.

Гренадеры. Черная или коричневая меховая шапка, донце ее красное с желтой или белой гренадой, этишкет и султан красные или амарантовые. Эполеты и темляк тесака красные. На патронной суме - латунное изображение пылающей гренады.

Офицеры. Золотые эполеты по чинам и званиям, белый султан на кивере (шапке), золотые этишкет, помпон и горжет. Длинные фалды мундира. Черные сапоги гусарского типа с золотым кантом и кистью по верху. Вооружены офицеры шпагами с золоченым эфесом, перламутровой рукоятью и темляком золотого цвета. Шпага в черных кожаных ножнах.

Барабанщики. Бело-малиновый галун в виде чередующихся клеток располагался по воротнику, обшлагам, лацканам, вдоль швов рукавов и на самих рукавах углом вверх. Галун идет и по крыльцам цвета приборного сукна. Барабан латунный с бело-малиновыми ободьями.

Саперы. Гренадерские отличия (меховая шапка, эполеты и темляк); мундир мог быть цвета приборного сукна с белой отделкой. Белый или желтоватый фартук и такие же перчатки с крагами. На левом рукаве - нашивка в виде скрещенных желтых топориков под желтой же гренадкой с красным пламенем. Обязательно носили бороды. На вооружении саперов были топоры, тесаки, карабины и пистолеты.

Музыканты носили однобортные мундиры приборного сукна с длинными фалдами, на груди имелось семь-девять белых петлиц. Султаны цвета приборного сукна с белым верхом. Черные сапоги гусарского типа с золотым кантом по верху.

На вооружении линейной пехоты состояли неаполитанские, а также французские и немецкие ружья.

Знамена линейной пехоты

Знамена образца 1811 г., голубого цвета, по краю шел галун в виде бело-малиновых клеток. На лицевой стороне изображение дубовой и лавровой ветвей, перевязанных голубой или золотой лентой. В венке под золотой короной надпись золотом, своя в каждом полку. На обороте - малый герб Неаполя. Древко знамени деревянное, окрашенное в черный цвет, либо бело-малиновыми спиралями. На вершине знамени - позолоченный, вставший на дыбы конь на коринфской колонне. Под ним находился голубой шарф с золотой бахромой и, иногда, с бело-малиновым галуном, как на знамени. По полкам знамена отличались надписями, цветом полотнища и размерами.

Полковые отличия

5-й линейный полк. Назывался "Королевская Калабрия". Имел зеленое приборное сукно. Музыканты носили, зеленые мундиры с белой отделкой и серебряным галуном. Знамя голубое, размером 118 х114 см.


Под навершием зеленый и фиолетовый шарфы, оба с золотой бахромой.

6-й линейный полк. Назывался "Неаполь". Имел оранжевое приборное сукно; офицеры носили голубые мундиры с амарантовой отделкой, гренадеры - белые мундиры с амарантовой отделкой, остальные чины белые мундиры с оранжевой отделкой. Знамя малиновое, размером 83х78 см.


Под навершием два белых шарфа с золотой бахромой.

7-й линейный полк. Бывший "Королевский Африканский". Желтое приборное сукно. Полк состоял в основном из негров и мулатов, набранных на французских Антильских островах, а также из арабов, турок и греков, набранных в королевстве. Саперы и офицеры гренадер носили белые меховые шапки с красными султанами. Знамя голубое, размером 85х78 см.

AL 70


Пешие Велиты. Отличия офицеров и барабанщиков аналогичны отличиям в линейной пехоте.

Черная меховая шапка Велитов имела красное донышко с желтой гренадой. Этишкет красный, желтый или зеленый. Султан зеленый с красным верхом; зеленый или красный.

Мундир как в линейной пехоте, но обшлага острые - "польского" типа. Приборное сукно могло быть различных оттенков малинового цвета: карминовым, амарантовым, розовым. Более подробно варианты деталировки приведены в таблице. По отделке могла идти белая выпушка. На воротнике, лацканах, обшлагах пришивались желтые петлицы с бахромой или без нее. Пуговицы были латунными или оловянными. Эполеты красные с желтым полукругом или карминовые.

Погонный ремень и перевязи желто-коричневого цвета с белыми краями. Темляк тесака - красный.

Моряки Гвардии. Синие мундиры с красной отделкой и желтыми петлицами. Черная шапка с красным этишкетом и султаном. В походе носили черные кивера с латунной бляхой, на которой изображался вензель N под короной с красным помпоном и этишкетом. Эполеты красные с белыми полукругами. Парадные панталоны белые, походные - синие. Черные гетры до колен. Снаряжение как у Велитов.

Почетная Гвардия. Форма уланского типа, белая с амарантовой отделкой. Малая форма - зеленого цвета с амарантовой отделкой. Вероятно, в 1812 г. полк носил именно малую форму, так как имеются портреты офицеров на период русской кампании только в этой форме. Ремни и перевязи могли быть белыми или желто-коричневыми с белыми краями. Вальтрап амарантовый с белой отделкой и белым вензелем в остром углу. Вооружением служила пика с амарантовым флюгером или карабин, сабля с латунным эфесом и два пистолета.

Конные Велиты.Офицеры отличались золотыми эполетами и аксельбантом; перевязь лядунки была золотой с темно-синими краями. Велиты носили темно-синие мундиры с желтой отделкой и такие же панталоны. Вальтрап был темно-синий с желтой отделкой и желтым вензелем. Трубачи же имели желтые мундиры с темно-синей отделкой. Шнуры труб - бело-малиновые.

Конная артиллерия Гвардии. Артиллеристы носили коричневые гусарские шапки, со светло-малиновыми помпоном, султаном, шлыком с кистью, по краю шлыка шла желтая отделка. Темно-синий мундир с острыми лацканы и обшлагами, светло-малиновыми воротником, отворотами фалд, эполетами, аксельбантом на правом плече и выпушкой лацканов и обшлагов. Латунные пуговицы, белые ремни. Темно-синий жилет со светло-малиновой отделкой. Темно-синие панталоны с малиновой отделкой. Сапоги гусарского типа с малиновой отделкой и малиновой же кистью. Черная ташка с золотыми краями и вензелем N под короной. Во время похода ташка хранилась в черном чехле.

О Неаполитанской армии:

Line Infantry

The first two line infantry regiments of the kingdom are raised by decree of June 13 1806 with two battalions strength.
The African pioneers battalion is assigned to king of Naples service by imperial decree of August 14 1806 and reorganised on November 10 as a line infantry regiment with two battalions strength named Real Africano.
As conscription gains grow new regiments are raised in 1809: 3rd on March 10, 4th and 5th on September 15 and 6th on September 26. Finally on December 17th the weak battalions of Real Africano are used as base for a new 7th regiment.
On October 14 1811 the remnants of 1st and 2nd regiments on duty in Spain are reorganised on the spot in a new 8th regiment, 1st and 2nd being raised again in Naples.
9th regiment is raised by decree of June 28 1813, followed by 10th on March 8 1814 and 11th on May 2 1814 ("to receive deserters, prisoners of war and voluntary enlistments of Italian origin").
The 12th regiment is raised on June 29 1814 with veterans of the 1812 and 1813 campaigns freed by the allies however this regiment is transferred to the Guard on September 29.
The decree that transfers the 12th regiment to the Guard also raises a new 12th and 13th line regiment the last seemingly never really raised.
The decree of April 2 1813 creates in each regiment a regimental artillery company equipped with two 4lb guns.


Facings in 1813 facing buttons  
1st Re light blue yellow White French cut coat with royal blue facings 1806-1811
2nd Regina scarlet " White French cut coat with medium blue facings 1806-1811
3rd Real Principe black " Dark blue French cut coat with black facings 1809-1811
4th Real Sannita light crimson " Dark blue French cut coat with light crimson facings 1809-1811
5th Real Calabria green " Dark blue French cut coat with bright orange facings 1809-1811
6th di Napoli orange(5) " Initially dark sky blue French cut coat with light crimson facings (from Naples citizen guard)
7th Real Africano bright yellow " Initially brown French cut coat with scarlet facings (from african pioneers)
8th Principe Luciano pink "  
9th deep blue " deep blue in 1813
10th medium blue "  
11th light crimson white  
12th green "  




Fusilier’s dress with scarlet or light crimson fringed epaulettes. Turnbacks decorated with scarlet (before 1808) then white grenade patch. In full dress black bearskin (white for Real Africano) with brass plate stamped with a grenade. Scarlet or light crimson plume, cords and flounders. In everyday dress black bicorn hat with scarlet carrot shaped pompon (before 1808) then shako with scarlet or light crimson plume, cords and flounders. Scarlet or light crimson sabre strap.



Fusilier's dress with yellow collar piped white and green fringed epaulettes with yellow crescent. Turnbacks decorated with green (before 1808) then white bugle-horn patch. Before 1808, black bicorn hat with green carrot shaped pompon then shako with green carrot shaped pompon with yellow tip. Green sabre strap (sometimes with yellow tassel).


Other ranks' dress. Yellow or gold rank laces piped with regimental colour. For sergeants of elite companies and all sergeant-major company epaulettes (red or light crimson for fusilier sergeant-major) with crescent and fringes entwined with gold thread. Light crimson sabre strap entwined with gold.


Long tailed coat with gold rank insignias (epaulettes, gorget and shako upper edge). Shako with gilded plate, cords and peak trim. White, scarlet or green plume. White (in full dress) or black (in everyday dress) belt and sword (or curved sabre for light companies officers) with gilded hilt and black leather scabbard.

Drummers and hornists

Other ranks' dress (sometimes in reversed colours). Collar, lapels and cuffs decorated with white/red/blue lace. Regimental coloured swallow nests with the same lace on the lower edge. This lace is replaced in 1811 by a white and light crimson chequered one added at the same time on the sleeves in inverted chevrons. In 1811 drums have copper shell with counterhoops painted in white and light crimson triangles.


Troopers' dress in reversed colours with sapper badge (crossed axes surmounted by a grenade) in scarlet cloth on both upper sleeves and in brass on pouch belt. Scarlet fringed epaulets. Black fur colback with scarlet plume. Whitened leather apron.


Single breasted short tailed coat of regimental colour cloth. White collar and cuffs trimmed with silver lace. Regimental coloured epaulettes with white crescent and fringes. White turnbacks. White breeches with black hessian boots. Shako without cords. White plume with regimental colour tip or base.


Light Infantry

The 1st light infantry regiment is the first unit raised in the new kingdom by decree of February 18 1806. The decree of May 27 1806 raises the second one.
The Corsican Legion is transferred in the neapolitan army after his assignment in the Naples campaign by imperial decree of June 30 1806. Its five battalions are reduced to three on November 7 and the unit is reorganised as a light infantry regiment named Real Corso.
A provisional regiment is raised on February 20 1812 and on February 16 1813 all light infantry is reorganised, Real Corso becoming the 1st light infantry regiment, the former 1st becoming 2nd, the former 2nd becoming 3rd and the provisional regiment becoming 4th.
On March 12 1814, all Corsican of the 1st regiment are relieved from their duties in Neapolitan army and strength is reduced to a single battalion.
The decree of April 2 1813 creates in each regiment a regimental artillery company equipped with two 4lb guns.


Light infantry regiments



Facings in 1813 facing buttons
1st Real Corso black white
2nd bright yellow "
3rd scarlet "
4th deep orange "



Troopers' dress with scarlet or light crimson fringed epaulettes. Turnbacks bearing white (before 1809) then yellow or red grenade patch. In full dress black bearskin with scarlet or light crimson top patch embroidered with a white grenade and without plate. Scarlet or light crimson plume, cords and flounders. In everyday dress black bicorn hat with scarlet carrot shaped pompon (before 1809) then shako with scarlet or light crimson plume, cords and top band. Scarlet or light crimson sabre strap.
Troopers' dress with yellow collar piped blue. Green fringed epaulettes with yellow crescent. Turnbacks bearing white (before 1809) then yellow or red bugle horn patch. Before 1809 black bicorn hat with green carrot shaped pompon then shako with green plume (sometimes with yellow tip) and yellow or green cords. Green sabre strap.
Troopers' dress with white or silver piped with facings colour rank laces on sleeves. For sergeants of elite companies and all sergeant-major company epaulettes (red or light crimson for chasseurs sergeant-major) with crescent and fringes entwined with silver thread. Light crimson sabre strap entwined with silver.
Long tailed coat with silver rank insignias (epaulettes, gorget and shako upper edge). Shako with silvered plate, cords and peak trim. Black hessian boots with silver trim and tassel.
Drummers and hornists
Troopers' dress. Collar, lapels and cuffs decorated with white/red/blue lace. Facings coloured swallow nests with the same lace on lower edge. This lace is replaced in 1811 by a white and light crimson chequered one added at the same time on the sleeves in inverted chevrons. In 1811 drums have copper shell with counterhoops painted in white and light crimson or azure triangles.

Corsican legion

Long tailed imperial blue french coat. Scarlet collar piped white. Epaulettes with green straps piped scarlet, scarlet crescent and green fringes. Blue pointed lapels piped white. Blue cuffs piped white with scarlet flaps (trident shaped 3 buttons) piped white. Blue turnbacks piped white. White metal buttons.
After 1809, standard light infantry uniform with black facings.

Royal Guard infantry

Decree of September 30 1806 defines the initial strength of the Guard. As far as infantry is concerned, the following units are raised:

Strength mainly comes from elite companies of French regiments of the Armée de Naples.
On May 13 1806 the city of Naples elite chasseurs company is transferred to the Guard as foot velites company belonging to the Voltigeurs. On September 22 1808 the velites part from the Voltigeurs corps to become velites-chasseurs regiment of the Guard.
On July 15 1811, the velites-chasseurs regiment is renamed 1st regiment of foot velites and a 2nd regiment is raised by splitting the Voltigeurs, which disappear as such.
By decree of September 29 1814 the 12th regiment of line infantry, built with repatriated veterans of 1812 and 1813 campaigns, is transferred in the Guard as regiment of Voltigeurs of the Guard.
A guard sailors company is raised by decree of October 25 1806. A second company is raised on July 28 1809.

Foot grenadiers


Troopers' dress with yellow or gold rank laces piped light crimson on sleeves. For sergeants and sergeant-major epaulettes with gold crescent and fringes entwined with gold thread. Bearskin cords entwined with gold thread.
Other ranks' dress with all yellow fittings changed to gold ones. Gold rank insignias (epaulettes, gorget and bearskin cords). Light crimson plume for junior officers and white for field officers. Black english or hessian boots the latter with gold trim and tassel. For mounted officers blue french saddle with gold lace.
After 1811, troopers' dress, collar, lapels, cuffs, cuff flaps, turnbacks and pockets trimmed by a livery lace, white and light crimson chequered. Drum with copper shell and counterhoops painted with white and light crimson stripes.
Troopers' dress in reversed colours (light crimson with blue collar lapels and cuffs). Black fur colback with light crimson bag laced yellow. Sappers' badge (crossed axes over a grenade) in yellow cloth on both upper sleeves. Ochre apron.
Troopers' dress in reversed colours (light crimson with blue collar lapels and cuffs). Collar and lapels decorated by a large gold lace. Black felt bicorn hat with gold lace, cockade strap and tassels, edged by white and light crimson short feathers. White plume. White breeches, black boots with fawn turned top.

Voltigeurs (1st formation) - Velites-chasseurs - Foot Velites



Velites of 1st regiment

Velite of 2nd regiment


Other ranks' dress with gold rank insignias (epaulettes, gorget and bearskin cords). Green plume with white tip for junior officers and white for field officers. Black hessian boots with gold trim and tassel. For mounted officers french saddle in regimental colour with gold lace.


After 1811, troopers' dress, collar, lapels, cuffs, cuff flaps, turnbacks and pockets trimmed by a livery lace, white and light crimson chequered. Drum with copper shell and counterhoops painted with white and light crimson stripes.


Voltigeurs (2nd formation)



Troopers' dress in reversed colours, scarlet with white collar, lapels, cuffs and turnbacks.
Guards Marines


Line cavalry

The 1st regiment of mounted chasseurs is raised by decree of February 18 1806, followed by the 2nd one on May 27 1806.
The 1st regiment of light horses is by decree of December 25 1810.
By decree of April 2 1813, both regiments of mounted chasseurs are renamed light horses taking the 1st and 2nd rank of the branch as the former 1st light horses takes the 3rd rank. By the same decree, all regiments are equipped with lances.
In 1814 a 4th regiment is raised.

Chasseurs a cheval

Facings in 1813 facing buttons
1st scarlet white
2nd yellow "


Ordinary companies Elite companies
Troopers' dress with scarlet fringed epaulettes. Black fur colback with green bag trimmed with facings colour bearing a brass or white metal grenade plate. Scarlet plume.

Troopers' dress with white or silver rank chevrons with facings colour piping. In elite companies epaulettes with crescent and fringes entwined with silver thread. Light crimson (scarlet in elite companies) cords entwined with silver thread.
Other ranks' dress with long tails and silver rank insignias (epaulettes, shako cords and top trim and often V laces an both sides). Gilded or silvered shako plate and peak strengthening. In elite companies colback with silver bag's trim. Black leatherwork trimmed silver in full dress.
Green cloth shabraque with silver lace and regimental colour outer piping embroidered in left back corner with a silver bugle-horn patch and in right back corner with regimental number.
Other ranks' dress in reversed colours (regimental colour with green collar, lapels, cuffs and turnbacks). Regimental colour plume with green tip. Brass trumpet with light crimson cord entwined with white thread.
After 1809, collar, lapels, and cuffs trimmed by a livery lace, at first white/blue/red then white and light crimson chequered.
Light horses

Ordinary companies

Facings in 1814 facings buttons  
1st scarlet yellow Keeps his chasseur green coat until 1814.
2nd yellow " Keeps his Chasseur green coat until 1815. With blue coat facings become light crimson.
3rd light crimson " Light crimson facings become yellow around 1813.
4th orange red "  


Elite companies

Troopers' dress with light crimson fringed epaulettes.
Polish czapka with light crimson cloth top laced white and black leather crown bearing a sun plate with white metal centre stamped with roman I and brass rays Light crimson plume and pompon over neapolitan cockade. Black leather peak with brass strengthening and brass chinscales.
From 1813, black fur colback with blue bag laced white bearing a brass or white metal grenade plate. Light crimson pompon.
Troopers' dress with white or silver rank chevrons with regimental colour piping. In elite companies epaulettes with crescent and fringes entwined with silver thread. White cords entwined with light crimson (scarlet in elite companies) thread.
Other ranks' dress with long tails and silver rank insignias (epaulettes and shako top trim) silver or gold (1811-1813). Black leatherwork trimmed in full dress with silver lace. Officer are often shown wearing a black leather sabretache with white metal regimental number or neapolitan heraldic reared horse.
Troopers' dress in reversed colours, facing coloured cloth with blue facongs. Collar, cuffs and lapels trimmed with white and light crimson chequered livery lace.
Troopers' dress in reversed colours, facing colour cloth faced blue. Light crimson (white for 2nd regiment) fringed epaulets. Black fur bearskin with facing colour cloth top bearing a white grenade badge. Sapper badge, usually white, on both upper sleeves.

Royal Guard Cavalry


Decree of September 30 1806 defines the initial strength of the Guard. As far as cavalry is concerned, the following units are raised:

Strength mainly comes from elite companies of French regiments of the Armée de Naples.
The major part of the strength of the light horses regiment is transferred by Joseph to brought up the Spanish royal Guard and light horses will reach their full four squadrons strength again only in 1810.
On January 15 1807 the elite gendarmes squadron is reduced to a single company this company being disbanded on March 18 1813 and strength transferred to the new cuirassiers regiment.
On May 13 1806 the city of Naples elite dragoons company is transferred to the Guard as horse velites company belonging to the light horses. On March 6 1807 strength is augmented and velites part from the light horses corps to become horse velites regiment of the Guard. On May 11 1813 the unit is renamed hussars regiment of the Guard.
Decree of August 5 1809 raises an honour guards regiment that gathers the fourteen companies of provincial honour guards. On March 10 1813 regiment is disbanded, two squadrons being renamed life guards and the two others being transferred to the cuirassiers regiment raised on March 18.
By decree of July 28 1814 life guards squadrons are augmented to a four squadrons regiment to be quickly reduced to a single squadron, remaining strength being transferred to the Guard lancers regiment raised on October 1 1814.

Guard Cuirassiers

The cuirassiers regiment wears the second dress of the Elite gendarmes company from which it was raised.


Other's ranks dress. All white ornaments become silver and brass ones become gold or gilded. In campaign dress, breastplate decorated with a gilded sun with silvered rays, centre decorated with enamelled royal arms.
Troopers' dress of white cloth. Collar and cuffs trimmed by a livery lace white and light crimson chequered. Epaulettes' straps embroidered with a gold grenade, fringes and shoulder cord white entwined with light crimson thread.
White bearskin cap with white cords entwined with light crimson thread, light crimson plume with white tip. In campaign dress, helmet with white horsehair and fur turban, light crimson plume with white tip. Brass trumpet with white cord entwined with light crimson thread. Light crimson cloth schabraque and portmanteau with silver laces.
Others' rank dress in reversed colours, light crimson with blue facings. Sappers badge in white cloth on both upper arms. Light crimson plume with white tip.
Light horses

1806-1809 period

The uniform for this period is not known. Rene Forthoffer shows a green coat faced pink with a black leather helmet. Paintings seems to show a white dress faced light crimson similar to the one described in the following text.

1810-1813 period

1813-1815 period

Decree of November 16 1813 suppresses the white dress, and everyday dress becomes the new full dress.


Other's ranks dress, all white ornaments becoming silver and brass ones becoming gold or gilded.


1810-1813 period : Troopers' dress in reversed colour, light crimson faced white. Light crimson and white chequered lace on collar and cuffs. Epaulettes with white and crimson fringes. Crimson plume with white top. Cords and flounders in white and crimson thread.
1813-1815 period : Troopers' dress in white cloth faced crimson. Light crimson buttonhole laces and collar and cuffs trimmed with livery light crimson and white chequered lace.

Guards of Honour - Life Guards
Guards of Honour 1809-1813
  • Short tailed single breasted coat of scarlet cloth closed down by nine white metal buttons. Pale yellow collar with a white buttonhole lace. White fringed epaulettes with white shoulder cord on right shoulder. On front of coat, yellow piping and nine white tasselled buttonhole laces. Yellow pointed cuffs bearing a white vertical tasselled buttonhole lace. Yellow turnbacks.
    · Dark azure blue overalls with two broad yellow side bands.
  • Polish czapka in pale yellow cloth piped scarlet with black leather crown bearing a sun plate with brass centre stamped with royal cipher and silver rays. Green plume with yellow tip. Black leather peak with white metal strengthening and white metal chin scales.
  • Ochre leatherwork trimmed white. Black leather cartridge pouch trimmed with brass and decorated with a brass royal cipher plate. Ochre hussar style sword belt trimmed white with S shaped buckle. Light cavalry curved bladed sabre with brass three bars hilt and iron scabbard. White sword knot.
  • Hungarian saddle covered with light crimson cloth schabraque laced white embroidered with white royal cipher in rear corners. Round portmanteau of blue cloth with white laces.
  • Life guards 1813-1815

  • Long tailed single breasted coat of scarlet cloth closed down by nine white metal buttons. Pale yellow collar with a silver buttonhole lace. White trefoil epaulettes with white shoulder cord on right shoulder. On front of coat, yellow piping and nine white tasselled buttonhole laces. Yellow rounded cuffs bearing two white horizontal tasselled buttonhole laces. Yellow turnbacks decorated with silver grenade patches.
  • White breeches and black high cuffed boots.
  • Black felt cocked hat with white lace and strengthening. White plume over neapolitan cockade with white strap.
  • Ochre leatherwork trimmed white. White cartridge pouch trimmed with brass bearing a brass royal cipher plate. Pouch belt covered with blue or yellow (following company) velvet trimmed with white lace. Ochre sword belt trimmed white with brass plate buckle stamped with royal cypher. Heavy cavalry straight bladed sabre with brass battle hilt and iron scabbard with brass fittings. White sword knot with blue or yellow tassel.
  • French saddle covered with dark azure blue cloth schabraque with white laces and scarlet outer piping embroidered with white royal cipher in rear corners. Square portmanteau of blue cloth with white laces and scarlet piping.
  • Trumpeters
    Other ranks' dress in reversed colours, yellow faced scarlet with collar and cuffs trimmed by a livery lace, white and light crimson chequered.
    Elite Gendarmes


    The lancers wear the second dress of the honour guards squadrons disbanded on preceding year.


  • Single breasted short tailed coat of dark azure blue cloth closed down by a single row of nine buttons. Light yellow collar with one white tasselled buttonhole lace. White fringed epaulettes and shoulder cord on right shoulder. Front of coat piped yellow and decorated with eight white tasselled buttonhole laces. Light yellow pointed cuffs with one white tasselled buttonhole lace. Light yellow turnbacks. White metal buttons.
  • Blue polish trousers with two yellow side bands. Black light boots.
  • Tall cylindrical shako covered with blue cloth. White metal sun ray palte with brass center stamped with royal cipher. Black falling plume over white lenticular pompon with blue center over a large neapolitan cockade with white strap. Black leather peak with white metal strengthening and black leather chinstrap.
  • Ochre leatherwork trimmed white. Hussar style sabre belt and light cavalry sabre with brass three bars hilt and iron scabbard, white sabre strap. Black wood lance, white pennon with yellow inner triangle.
  • Hungarian saddle covered with light crimson cloth schabraque laced white embroidered with white royal cipher in rear corners. Round portmanteau of blue cloth with white laces.
  • Life guards 1813-1815

    Other's ranks dress, all white ornaments becoming silver and brass ones becoming gold or gilded. Silver rank insignias (epaulets, laces and rings piping on top of shako).


    Other ranks' dress in reversed colours, yellow faced azure blue. White and light crimson chequered lace on collar and cuffs and on buttonhole laces. Epaulets with crescent and fringes in white and light crimson threads. White falling plume with light crimson top.
    Guard Horse Velites - Hussars



    Decree of november 16 1813 supresses the white dolman and the second dress green dolman becomes the one of firts dress for the hussars regiment.

    Other ranks' dress with yellow or gold rank chevrons on sleeves. For sergeants, scarlet czapska cords and epaulettes entwined with gold thread and after 1809 gold shako top band and light crimson cords entwined with gold thread. Yellow sword knot with gold tassel before 1809, Light crimson entwined with gold thread after 1809.
    Other's ranks dress. All ornaments become gold or gilded. Gold rank epaulettes with gold shoulder cord on right shoulder, lapels decorated with gold buttonholes laces.
    After 1809, gold rank chevrons on sleeves and breeches. Brown fur colback with light crimson bag piped gold. White plume inserted in a gold tulip shaped base. White leather work trimmed gold.
    Other ranks' dress in reversed colours (yellow with blue facings). Collar, lapels, and cuffs trimmed by a white/blue/red livery lace. Blue swallow nests trimmed yellow with livery lace lower band. Yellow plume tipped scarlet. Brass trumpet with yellow cord.
    After 1809, light crimson dolman with white facings. Light crimson breeches. White pelisse with white fur. All braids and laces yellow entwined with light crimson. Sky blue wool sash with light crimson barrels and cord. White cloth shabraque with light crimson laces. Yellow trumpet cord entwined with light crimson.
    After 1813, same dress with green dolman. Other's rank colback.

    Line artillery

    The artillery corps of the new kingdom is raised on february 14 1806 when four gunners and one workers companies are created. These companies become a regiment of tewenty one companies on july 21 1806, augmented to twenty seven companies on april 2 1813.
    A second regiment is raised on january 5 1814, both regiments established at twenty companies.
    Decree of february 5 1807 creates a horse artillery companies but this will never be raised, never to appear on any order of battle.
    Decree of october 7 1806 creates two artillery train companies, to be raised to battalion strength on june 25 1807 and augmented by four service train companies on april 11 1813. A secod battalion is raised on december 2 1813.
    Decree of july 25 1806 raises an engineers battalion comprised of two miners companies and four sappers companies. A second battalion is raised on april 2 1814.

    Foot Artillery

    Gunners NCOs
    Other ranks' dress. Yellow or gold rank laces piped scarlet on sleeves. For sergeants with crescent and fringes entwined with gold thread.
    Long tailed coat with gold rank insignias (epaulettes, gorget and shako upper edge). Shako with gilded plate, cords and peak trim. For mounted officers blue french saddle with gold lace.
    Other ranks' dress in reversed colours (scarlet with blue piped scarlet facings)). Collar, lapels and cuffs decorated with white/red/blue livery lace. Scarlet swallow nests with the same lace on the lower edge. This lace is replaced in 1811 by a white and light crimson chequered one added at the same time on the sleeves in inverted chevrons. In 1811 drums have copper shell with counterhoops painted in white and light crimson triangles.
    Artillery train

    Guard artillery

    Decree of September 30 1806 defines the initial strength of the Guard. As far as artillery is concerned, one foot and one horse artillery companies are created:
    The low strength of these companies leads to join them in a single horse artillery company on september 22 1808.

    Horse Artillery
    Gunners NCOs
    Other ranks' dress with yellow or gold rank chevrons on sleeves. Light crimson sword knot entwined with gold thread after 1809.
    Other's ranks dress. All ornaments become gold or gilded. Gold rank chevrons on sleeves and breeches. On sabretache, gilded plate stamped with crossed guns.
    Other ranks' dress in reversed colours. Light crimson dolman with blue facings and braids. Collar and cuffs trimmed with white and light crimson chequered livery lace. White colback cord entwined with light crimson, light crimson plume tipped white. Light crimson breeches with blue braids and laces. Light crimson shabraque with blue laces. Brass trumpet with blue cord entwined with light crimson.
    Artillery train


    Royal Gendarmes

    Mounted gendarmes

    Foot gendarmes

    Auxiliary Gendarmes



    General aides King's aides


    Flags of french 1804 type with scarlet and black corners. Obverse with white lozenge trimmed with laurels leafs wreath with gold inscription :
    Reverse had royal arms surrounded by a gold chain and sustained by two mermaids in natural colour on a light blue cape trimmed with white and light crimson chequered lace, surmounted by a gold crown.
    Azure blue flag trimmed with white and light crimson chequered lace. In the centre, the crowned royal arms surrounded by Neaples order and Legion d'Honneur necklaces and sustained two mermaids in natural colour.
    Reverse had, surrounded by natural colour laurel wreath, the inscription :
    xx DE LINEA
    5e DE LINEA
    AL xx REGGTO
    The 6th Line Infantry regiment keeps from 1810 to 1813 the Neaples Guard flag, of the same type but in light crimson cloth.
    In infantry regiments, the 2nd and 3rd standart bearers (grenadiers sergeant-majors) have a halberd with pennon in white cloth with light crimson cipher for the 2nd and light crimson with blue cipher for the 3rd (blue with light crimson cipher in the 6th regiment).


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